Council owned vehicles

The Local Authority is requested to provide a list of motor vehicles owned or leased to the council; currently licensed with the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Authority (“the DVLA”) where the Registered Keeper of the vehicle is that of the Local Authority in the following format:

1. Registration Mark of each motor vehicle;
2. Fleet number allocated (if any);
3. Chassis Make and Model;
4. Type of Body fitted;
5. Date new or date of acquisition.

Vehicles owned by or leased to the council as of 23.08.2018 

Details of vehicles sold after use by the council since 1.1.2015 (if this information is still available)

Vehicles Sold Since 1.1.2015

Registration numbers are held however we consider they are exempt under the Freed of information Act 2000 Section 40(2) – Personal Data. The current ownership and final destination of ex council or leased vehicles may not be known to us and some may now be in different ownership. Disclosure may identify individuals and potentially be in breach of Data Protection principles. We are not aware of a legitimate purpose for the obtaining of these ex-Council vehicle registration details.