Commissioned adult social care hourly rates

1. What is the hourly rate you currently pay service providers/ agencies to provide care and support services?:

a) average hourly rate for all service providers? (Indicate both weekday and weekend/ bank holiday rates)

b) lowest hourly rate for the service provider paid the least per hour? (Indicate both weekday and weekend/ bank holiday rates)

c) highest hourly rate for the service provider paid the most per hour? (Indicate both weekday and weekend/ bank holiday rates)

We do not hold this information for all service providers, since we pay for some services
a) Such as day care per session and the length of a session varies
b) Such as night care per night and the length of time this covers varies depending on other circumstances, such as handover from other carers etc.
c) Such as enabling where services are shared between more than one person.

By way of assistance we can confirm the rates here which relate only to personal care supplied to an individual. The rates are those we pay providers and they are calculated across all hours whether weekend, weekday, bank holiday, etc. Clearly matters such as complexity and double handed care etc are not separated in this analysis.  We can therefore confirm the following information:

a) Average £24.71
b) Lowest £19.08
c) Highest £36.00

2. What is the hourly rate you currently pay direct payment recipients to arrange for care and support services themselves?

The Direct payment rates agreed for 2022-23 are: for a personal assistant – £14.52, for an Unregulated Agency- £19.80, for a Regulated Agency -£21.52 per hour. These are the rates we have budgeted for, as opposed to actual rates paid which might be

a) average hourly rate for all direct payment recipients? (Indicate both weekday and weekend/ bank holiday rates)

b) lowest hourly rate for the direct payment recipient paid the least per hour? (Indicate both weekday and weekend/ bank holiday rates)

c) highest hourly rate for the direct payment recipient paid the most per hour? (Indicate both weekday and weekend/ bank holiday rates)

in relation to questions a-c, records do not hold this information in a way which would allow us to easily extract this information. It would need to be done via a manual exercise , reviewing approximately 2150 Direct payments which are in place with individuals at any one time. To establish actual, average hourly rates paid to individuals, each record would need to be reviewed manually to extract the rate information.  Allowing for, say, 10 minutes per record, this would take approximately in excess of 358 hours.  This is in excess of the appropriate time limit of 18 hours and we are therfore not obliged to provide this information pursuant to section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.