Colyton Grammar School Admissions

How many pupils, and from which primary schools, had offered places at Colyton Grammar School for 2020, 2021 and 2022?

Devon County Council (DCC) do not hold the information for 2020 and 2021. The reporting system has changed, schools now use the School Portal for Allocation lists, rather than DCC producing reports on the children at the time of allocation.  Colyton Grammar School may be able to assist you if you contact them directly.

For 2022:

Clyst Heath: 5

Exeter School: 5

St Leonards: 7

St Sidwells: 7

Stoke Hill Juniors: 5

West Hill: 5

Numbers of five pupils or less have been removed under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Personal Information’.  This is because release could lead to the identification of the pupils concerned and would, therefore, breach the principles of the Data Protection Act 2018.