Child protection Social Workers and agency staff – 2022

1. In total, how many frontline child protection social workers work for the council (whether employed or agency) as of 1 March 2022?

69.4 FTE.

a. How many and what percentage are agency staff?

46.2 employee social workers and 23.2 agency social workers, so 33.4% are agency staff.

b. How many and what percentage are less than two years qualified?

15.2 FTE – 21.9%.

c. How many and what percentage are both agency staff and less than two years qualified?

Devon County Council does not hold this information.

2. What is the full complement of frontline child protection social workers the Department for Children’s Services should have, and what is your current recruitment shortfall into those roles (as of 1 March 2022)?

110 FTE would make up a full complement of social workers. The current shortfall is 40.6 FTE (37%).

3. What is the current average caseload for frontline child protection social workers working for the council (as of 1st March 2022).

Average caseload of 20.

4. Please specify how many active cases each frontline child protection social worker who has been qualified for less than two years (as of 1 March 2022) is handling.

Of the 15.2 FTE employees that have been qualified for less than 2 years, their caseloads range between 6 – 19, with an average of 10.