Body removal contract DVNCC001-DN536593-7592273 – risk assessments and contract

Further to your Procurement of 27 May 2021, Ref. DVNCC001-DN536593-7592273, for a Body Removal Contract, value up to 2,000,000 GBP, could you please clarify the below:

Please note that there was an error on the website, which has now been rectified. The contract value is up to £800,000 for the 5 years.

Whether a risk assessment has been done in respect of the need for the above contract


Whether a mass fatality Incident is foreseeable

This contract is a business as usual contract which establishes a body removal firm or funeral director to attend sudden deaths in the community and collect the deceased returning them to the mortuary appropriate to that area of the coronial jurisdiction. This is a contract that the coronial service must have in place and which has to be retendered every 4 years.

Whether a mass fatality incident is or has been planned

Every coronial service must have plans in place for in the event of a mass fatality of any kind and it would be remiss not to do so.

Whether the above contract is intended to replace a pre-existing contract or a contract which has terminated

This contract is to replace a current contract which reaches its end of term

Reasons why it is mentioned that the deceased would be specifically transported to North Devon District Hospital

For certain areas within the Exeter and Greater Devon Coronial jurisdiction, the deceased would be transported to the mortuary at North Devon District Hospital. We use both hospitals in the jurisdiction and generally the geographical split is based on population.

Which person or authority has instructed the above contract

HM Senior Coroner for Exeter and Greater Devon

Which person or authority has approved the above contract

HM Senior Coroner and Devon County Council

Whether the above contract is in any way linked to the purchase of Disaster Victim Identification Shelters for a Mass Fatality incident of 19 May 2021, Ref. MAY415504 by Police Scotland

No this is a business as usual contract for Devon County Council