Blind and partially sighted student support – 2021-2022

1. How many blind and partially sighted learners does your service support in the following post 16 education settings, during 2021/22?

a. Mainstream sixth form


b. Mainstream FE college


c. Specialist school


d. Specialist FE college (placed in or out of LA area)

To provide this information may identify the learners. This would risk a disclosure of their personal information and would be a breach of the first data protection principle. This information is therefore exempt from disclosure pursuant to Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

e. Specialist residential college (placed in or out of LA area)


f .Other (please specify)

To provide this information may identify the learners. This would risk a disclosure of their personal information and would be a breach of the first data protection principle. This information is therefore exempt from disclosure pursuant to Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

2. Please specify how your post 16 offer is contracted:
a. Sixth form college

– Statutory provision (by this we mean that the service is provided to the setting free of charge).
– The college is required to buy in the support.
– Other (please specify)

If the Young Person has an Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP) then the Advisory Teacher for Visual Impairment provides statutory support as outlined & quantified in the plan. If the Young Person does not have an EHCP then the college buys in support.

b. Mainstream college

– Statutory provision (by this we mean that the service is provided to the setting free of charge).
– The college is required to buy in the support.
– Other (please specify)

If the Young Person has an Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP) then the Advisory Teacher for Visual Impairment provides statutory support as outlined & quantified in the plan. If the Young Person does not have an EHCP then the college buys in support.

3. If your service is traded, please tell us how many further education providers purchased your service in
a) 2021/22 


b) 2020/21


c) 2019/20


4. What eligibility criteria are in place for blind and partially sighted students to access post-16 education (please indicate all that apply)

a. Sixth form setting

– Must have an Education and Health Care Plan

Yes, in order for statutory support to be provided.

– Must be severe sight impairment
– Must be partially sighted
– Other (please state)

If the sixth form setting purchases support the Young person needs to have a confirmed diagnosis from an Ophthalmologist or Orthoptist, and their visual impairment is such that it is having an impact on ability to access education.

b. Mainstream setting
– Must have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP)

Yes, in order for statutory support to be provided.

– must be severe sight impaired
– Must be partially sighted
– Other (please state)

If the mainstream setting purchases support the Young person needs to have a confirmed diagnosis from an Ophthalmologist or Orthoptist, and their visual impairment is such that it is having an impact on ability to access education.