Advocacy for Autistic and Learning Disabled Adults and Children

1.Please tell us the name of the organisation/s who is commissioned to deliver the following types of statutory independent advocacy:

1.1 Independent Mental Health Advocacy

1.2 Advocacy under the Care Act

1.3 Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy, including Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

Devon County Council commissions the Devon Advocacy Consortium (lead agency Living Options Devon) for the above types of adult social care advocacy.

2.Please tell us the name of any organisation(s) that you commission to deliver any type of advocacy for the following groups:

2.1 Children and young people who have a learning disability or autism in the community (for instance to prevent admission to hospital, or through the Care Education Treatment Review process)

Children and young people with a learning disability or autism can access our children’s services contract with National Youth Advocacy Service, if they fit the criteria of being either a child in care, subject to child protection proceedings, adopted or privately fostered and at risk of breakdown, or any child or young person who wishes to make a representation or complaint about a health or social care service. If advocacy is required by a young person outside of these circumstances then it would usually be spot-purchased.

2.2 Adults who have a learning disability and or autism in the community (for instance to prevent admission to hospital, or through the Care Education Treatment Review process)

2.3 Children and young people who have a learning disability or autism who are in inpatient settings (informal or formal patients)

2.4 Adults who have a learning disability or autism who are in inpatient settings (informal or formal patients)

2.5 Where a person is in segregation (or subject to any other restrictive practice)

Devon County Council does not not commission formal advocacy specifically for people with a learning disability or autism, but instead commissions advocacy for people who are eligible for statutory advocacy which can include people with autism, learning disability or those subject to restrictive practices.

3.Please tell us the name of any organisation you commission which supports:

3.1 Self advocacy (ie support to help an individual to speak up for themselves)

Devon County Council does not specifically commission this, although it is an aim that all children and young people accessing the main advocacy service will be encouraged to develop their skills for self-advocacy as part of the support they receive.

3.2 Peer advocacy (ie support between people who have shared experiences for example both people have a learning disability)

Devon County Council does not commissioning any formal advocacy of this type.

3.3 Group advocacy (ie support delivered within a group setting)

Devon County Council does not commission any formal advocacy of this type.

4. Please tell us the name of any organisation(s) – which the local authority holds information on or has referred individuals to – which support family carers to advocate for their relative with a learning disability or who is autistic. This support may take the form of providing information, training, peer support, or any function relating to supporting family carer advocates.

Devon Information and Advice Services can be accessed by parents and carers of 0-25 year olds with SEND, and young people with SEND up to age 25 for information, advice and support around health, social care and education. This includes peer support, training and 1-1 support from a volunteer or paid member of staff. Parent Carer Forum Devon is Devon’s Parent Carer Forum for families of children with SEND in Devon. They do not provide individual advocacy, but will work with parent carers, including those whose children have a learning disability or are autistic, to make their voice heard at a strategic level about services for their child or young person. Likewise, for adults Dimensions For Autism, Devon Carers, Devon People First and Devon Link Up all provide information and peer support.