Advertising Contract

1. Is there a company with sole license to place advertisement in the properties you own or street furniture?


2. How long is the contract for or when is it expiring?


3. Which company has the sole license to place and manage all advertisement in all your properties and street furniture?


4. Is the license type sole, where no other company can place advertisement on your properties or street furniture?


5. If we want to obtain a license to place advertisement in your property which department and what are the contact details of the person we need to speak to?

Any requests for such a licence should come through the Estates team. Their contact details are

6. What was the revenue from advertising for the council in 2020?


7. Can we install our own digital advertising screen on your properties / street furniture?

This is not a request for information we hold, and therefore cannot be dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please contact the estates team as per the answer to Q5.