Advance Payment Code Notices

In the last 5 years:
How many Advance Payment Code (Section 129 Highways Act 1980) notices have you issued across Devon?
How many have you issued in the South Hams District Council area?
How many have been paid or bonded across Devon?
How many have been paid or bonded in the South Hams District Council area?
What is the average value?
How many have been issued to Community or Social Housing developers across Devon?
How many have been paid or bonded by Community or Social Housing developers across Devon?

Devon County Council believes compliance with this request would exceed the appropriate costs limit under section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which is £450 or 18 hours of officer time. We have issued in the region of 150 Advance Payment Codes (APC’s) in the last 5 years and we would need to consider each one for the purposes of answer these questions.  We estimate it would take in excess of 10 minutes per APC, which is in excess of the 18 hour timeframe.