Adult Social Care Assessments

1. How many outstanding Adult Social Care (ASC) ‘new’ assessment requests did Devon County Council (DCC) have at the end of April 2022? Please fill in the number of ‘new’ ASC requests split by client group based on their primary care need in the table below:

Client Group No. of ‘new’ ASC assessment requests 
Learning Disability
Older Adult Frailty
Physical Disability including Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
 Mental Health
Autistic Adults
Young People in Transition to Adulthood ‘on the ASC books’ for assessment

The Client Group classifications requested do not align to the classifications DCC use, so we have shown the Primary Support Reason we classify by locally and nationally for the purposes of  SALT (Short and Long Term Support)

Client Group – Primary Support Reason No. of ‘new ASC assessment requests
Total 1367
Learning Disability Support 92
Mental Health support 97
Physical Support / Access & Mobility 192
Physical Support / Personal care support 478
Sensory Support / Support for dual impairment 3
Sensory Support / Support for hearing impairment 4
Sensory Support / Support for visual impairment 21
Social Support / Social Isolation Support / Other 95
Social Support / Substance misuse support 6
Social Support / Support to carer 17
Support with Memory and Cognition 205
Unknown – to be established 157

2. How many outstanding ASC Care Act reviews (planned and unplanned) did DCC have at the end of April 2022? Please provide the number of ASC care act reviews and the percentage (as a proportion of the total number of people on the books) split by client group in the table below.

Client Group 
No. of outstanding ASC Care Act Reviews
No. of outstanding ASC Care Act Reviews
% as a proportion of the total number of people on the books 
Learning Disability
Older Adult Frailty
Physical Disability including ABI
Mental Health
Autistic Adults

As in answer 1, DCC summarise by the Primary Support Reason that we classify by locally and nationally for the purposes of SALT. For clients receiving reviewable services at the end of the 30 April 2022 and who received reviewable services for over 365 days in that period, the table below shows the number of clients for whom a Care Act Review remains outstanding i.e. have not yet been reviewed (planned or unplanned) as part of the 12 month review cycle. By their nature, unplanned reviews do not form part of the schedule for outstanding clients.

Client Group – Primary Support Reason No. of outstanding ASC Care Act Reviews
No. of outstanding ASC Care Act Reviews
% as a proportion of the total number of people on the books
Total 5557 N/A 57.1%
Learning Disability Support 1327 N/A 59.6%
Mental Health support 1410 N/A 55.1%
Physical Support / Access & Mobility 426 N/A 54.5%
Physical Support / Personal care support 1503 N/A 55.8%
Sensory Support / Support for dual impairment 10 N/A 52.6%
Sensory Support / Support for hearing impairment 10 N/A 50.0%
Sensory Support / Support for visual impairment 38 N/A 54.3%
Social Support / Social Isolation Support / Other 224 N/A 68.1%
Social Support / Substance misuse support 16 N/A 57.1%
Social Support / Support to carer 50 N/A 68.5%
Support with Memory and Cognition 543 N/A 58.5%

3. How many ASC qualified staff vacancies (Social Workers, Care Managers) did DCC have at the end of April 2022?

Role Full Time Equivalent
Social Worker or Experienced Social Worker 31.8
Best Interests Assessor (Experienced Social Worker) 6
Occupational Therapist 9.3
Approved Mental Health Professional 1.7

4. How many ASC unqualified staff vacancies (Enablement Workers, Social Work Assistants) did DCC have at the end of April 2022?

Role Full Time Equivalent
Social Care Assessor 2
Arranging Support Coordinator 1
Reablement Support Worker 0.7
Reablement Support Worker Various
Community Enabler Various
Residential Care Assistant Various

5. Please list the contract frameworks (care and support services) DCC has in place for ASC

Currently there are no frameworks for adult social care and health contracts.

6. What is DCC’s ASC spend on non-framework (non-contracted) providers and framework (contracted) providers for the financial year 21/22 (April 2021- March)? Please provide the ASC spend split by client group in the table below:

Client Group Spend on non-framework (non-contracted) providers for the financial year 21/22  Spend on framework (contracted) providers for the financial year 21/22
Learning Disability
Older Adult Frailty
Physical Disability including ABI
Mental Health
Autistic Adults

DCC do not hold financial information in the categories requested, we do not split total expenditure (as used in the Council’s Statement of Accounts) at provider level. However, the financial information that we do hold is published in the Adult Social Care Activity and Finance Reports for England. To access the information for Devon, please go the year required and look at the reference tables for the relevant information.

7. Has DCC used external support over the past 3 financial years (20/21, 21/22 and 22/23 Year to date) for any of the below services. If yes, please fill in the table below:

Service  Use of external supplier/ support  Supplier Name  Contract start date  Contract currently in place?
Commissioning Yes KDMG Limited 05/03/2021 Yes
Consultancy (planning, strategy and change management)
DoLs Backlogs
Review backlog
Other (Please state)