Adult Care Fees and Providers

1. Details of the lowest, highest and average fee hourly rates agreed with external suppliers of the following services for 2021/2022:

a. Domiciliary care services for the elderly in their own home

Band 1 & 2 rates agreed from 29/03/20  current rate BAND 1 £22.28 and Band 2 £24.72

b. Domiciliary care services for adults under the age of 65 in their own home with specialist care needs such as learning disabilities, autism or physical disabilities

Band 1 & 2 rates agreed from 29/03/20  current rate BAND 1 £22.28 and Band 2 £24.73

2. Details of the minimum, maximum and average amount agreed per night for sleep in shifts delivered to adults under the age of 65, with specialist care needs

Minimum – £78.91

Maximum – £120.75

Average – £96.50

3. Details of the percentage increase in hourly fee rates (referred to the answers of points 1a. and 1b. above) which were awarded to the previous year’s levels

Domiciliary care services for the elderly in their own home – 5.30%

Domiciliary care services for adults under the age of 65 in their own home with specialist care needs such as learning disabilities, autism or physical disabilities – 5.39%

4. Details of the number of hours provided in the week commencing 07 April 2021 for:

a. elderly domiciliary care


b. specialist care (incorporating mental health, learning disabilities, physical disabilities)


Please note the figures for 4a and 4b are for the week commencing 24/04/2021 and are taken from regular published reports.

5. Of the hours listed in answer to question 4, please advise:

a. what percentage was delivered by the independent sector


b. what percentage was delivered by the local authority


c. what percentage was under direct payments/independent budgets


6. Total cost in the week commencing 07 April 2021 of the care hours provided by independent providers of:

a. Elderly domiciliary care


b. Specialist care (incorporating mental health, learning disabilities, physical disabilities)


Please note the figures for 6a and 6b are for the week commencing 24/04/2021 and are taken from regular published reports.