Secondary School Managed Moves

1. How many secondary managed moves or negotiated transfers occurred in the 2018/19 academic year? Please provide the total number and breakdown for each year of secondary

28 managed moves

Y7 – 4

Y8 – 4

Y9 – 7 pupils

Y10 – 7 pupils

Y11 – 6 pupils

2. How many of the total number of managed moves in secondary in 2018/19 were ‘successful’, i.e. the pupil joined the receiving school’s roll after the trial period?

14 successful managed moves

3. How many of the total number of managed moves in secondary in 2018/19 were ‘unsuccessful’, i.e. the pupil returned to the home school?

14 unsuccessful managed moves

4. What were the outcomes for pupils who experienced an ‘unsuccessful’ managed move?

They either returned to their home schools or became electively home educated.