Electric Vehicle Charge Points Award

CP2116-21 Deletti Electric Vehicle Charge Points Phase 2 – Please provide the full decision and supporting documents for this decision

Please refer to this EVCP Award Recommendations document.

In relation to the redactions we have applied Regulation 12(5)(e) and Regulation 13.

Regulation 12(5)(e) – Devon County Council (DCC) believes this information is exempt because the information is commercial in nature and is confidential. The public interest in maintaining the exception outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because disclosure of the information would have a negative impact on the ability of DCC to obtain value for money in the future. 

Regulation 13 – Devon County Council are not obliged to provide information that is the personal information of another person if releasing it would contravene any of the provisions in the Data Protection Act 2018.