Peripatetic services and resource provision for deaf children

Budget for 2022/23: Education services for deaf children and young people

The information requested relates to:

  • Peripatetic services which you centrally manage and deliver
  • Peripatetic services which you delegate in their entirety to a school or a private provider
  • Resource Provisions which you centrally manage and deliver

We are not interested in Resource Provisions which are delegated to schools or private companies to provide.

1. Please state the name, job title and contact details of the person ultimately responsible.

Babcock provide this service for Devon County Council; their contact details can be found on their website.

2. Please complete the table below giving details of the budgeted and actual spend for specialist education services for deaf/hearing impaired children in 2021/22 and budgeted spend for 2022/23.


budgeted spend

What is your actual spend for 2021/22? If this is different to your budgeted spend, please explain.


budgeted spend

If there is a budget reduction for 2022/23, please explain
Net budget (£) (i.e. budget allocation including DSG) £588,744 Figures not yet available, so this information is not held by DCC. £692,170 Not applicable.
Gross budget(£) (i.e. budget allocation plus any additional income generated or expected to be generated) £682,288 Figures not yet available, so this information is not held by DCC. £709,170 Not applicable.


2a. Please provide details of all budgetary changes reported above and indicate how this change will improve quality of provision for deaf children.

Additional funding provided during 2021/22 due to the increased number of Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) needed to be purchased after the NHS upgraded Hearing Aids (to Marvels or Oticon) and the current ALDs no longer being compatible.

The funding for the new ALDs has come from Devon County Council.

3. What services does the budgeted spend include for 2022/23?

Teacher of the Deaf (ToD) service, including Educational Audiology support.

4. Please complete the table below giving details of budgeted staffing levels in the centrally funded specialist education service for deaf/hearing impaired children in 2022/23.

If any of the posts include a combination of management and service delivery roles or if staff work flexibly across roles, please ensure the approximate time spent on each is accurately divided between rows a), b) and/or c) and expressed as a full time equivalent (fte)

Total number of fte posts between April 2021 and March 2022


Of the total number of fte posts, how many were vacant between April 2021 and March 2022? Of the total number of fte posts, how many were frozen between April 2021 and March 2022? Total number of fte posts in 2022/23 Of the total number of fte posts, how many do you expect to be vacant on 1 April 2022? Of the total number of fte posts, how many do you expect to be frozen on 1 April 2022?
a)    Team management (e.g. team leader, Head of Service etc.) – not including hours spent on direct peripatetic service delivery 1 0 0 1 0 0
b)    Specialist Teachers of the Deaf involved in direct peripatetic service delivery – not including time spent on team management 7.7 0 0 7.7 0 0
c)     Specialist Teachers of the Deaf involved in any specialist or resource provision in mainstream schools centrally managed and delivered by the local authority 0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0
d)    Communication support workers, specialist teaching assistant, any other specialist staff centrally managed and delivered by the local authority 0 0 0 0 0 0
e)    Other (please give details) centrally managed and delivered by the local authority 0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0


4f. Please provide details of all staffing changes reported in 4a-e and indicate how this change will improve quality of provision for deaf children.     

Not applicable.

4g. If you have indicated vacancies or frozen posts in 4a-e, please outline:

  • recruitment plans and timescales
  • succession planning for any staff leaving
  • temporary backfill arrangements and when these will end
  • the reason for any deletion of posts

Not applicable.

5. How many resource provisions/units for deaf/hearing impaired children will there be in your local authority in April 2022?

Managed and delivered by the peripatetic central service within the Local Authority Managed and delivered by an LA school/Academy

Managed and delivered by another provider

(please state who)

Primary 0 Primary 1 Primary 0
Secondary 0 Secondary 1 Secondary 0
Other 0 Other 0 Other 0

5a. Are any changes planned to resource provisions/units for deaf children in your local authority that weren’t reported in March 2021 FOI?  Please provide details and indicate how this change will improve quality of provision for deaf children.

None at this time.

6. Benchmarking:

 How do you benchmark educational attainment and outcomes for deaf children in your local authority?

Graduated Response, In-house assessment and working alongside schools and setting providers.

7. SEND Reviews:

Review of SEND services reported in March 2021 FOI


When will this review take place? Is the local authority planning a review of SEND services that wasn’t reported in March 2021 FOI?

When will this review take place?


None reported


Unknown Currently working on SEND Transformation Project to be implemented by September 2022.

7a. Please provide details, brief outline of potential changes and how any proposals will improve the provision for deaf children. Please include review timelines and any consultation plans.

This is still in the planning stages, but Sensory and Physical team transition back into the Local Authority – August 2022.

No changes identified to services for children and young people with hearing impairment.

8. Please provide any further information about education services for deaf children in your area (including any changes to commissioning services).

Please see response to question 7.