Children in Care Placements

Please provide all documentation relating to the submissions made to the DfE as made public in the following announcement.  

£800,000 for the South West, including seven refurbishment projects in Devon;

  1. Provide a copy of the submission made 
  2. Provide the documentation recording the planning for the initiative.
  3. Provide the recorded assessments, evaluations, discussions and decisions prior, during and subsequent to making the submission.
  4. How was the level of need of evaluated?
  5. How is this reflected in your current Sufficiency assessment and statement?
  6. What was the justification reached for these homes in a situation where 33% of homes nationally are reportedly running with vacancies due to extent of needs?
  7. Does this expansion makes full occupancy of existing homes unlikely? What will be effect? Will viability of homes affected? Is inward investment affected?
  8. Why was this not progressed as a tender and under procurement rules?
  9. This is a large investment by the DfE into children’s homes. Please confirm that procurement rules are being followed.

Devon County Council (DCC) believe that the information you have requested is exempt under Section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Commercial Interests.

The details you have requested are contained within the bids submitted to the DfE (Department for Education) and Devon County Council considers that the release of this information at this stage would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of others.

Whilst DCC believe in the value of openness and transparency, we do not believe it is in the publics best interests to jeopardise the council’s ability to achieve best value at this stage.

The Council’s tendering and procurement procedures are being diligently followed. However, we set out some of the specifics of the 7 projects:

The projects all relate to the Atkinson Secure Children’s Home which is the existing secure child placement unit in Devon.

  • Refurbishment of 6 bedrooms
  • Refurbishment of 1 communal bathroom and conversion of 1 communal bathroom into a locker room to house the possessions of young people
  • Extension of the CCTV system covering existing blind spots
  • Replacement of glazing in external doors with solid panels
  • Replacement of doors in the school and adding them to the internal door access system
  • Removal of redundant electrical panels
  • Refurbishment/replacement of gates, locks and some fencing

In the interest of providing you with advice and assistance, a copy of Devon Children’s Services Sufficiency Strategy can be viewed from this webpage Devon Sufficiency Strategy 2022-2024.pdf