Risk of flooding

For the area for which you are the Lead Local Flood Management Authority under the Flood and Water Management Act (2010), please provide:

1.  Total number of people living at risk of flooding (any level of risk)

2.  Total number of people exposed to frequent flooding (1:75 years or above)

3.  Total number living in EA-designated flood zone 3

Devon County Council does not hold information relating to the number of people at risk of flooding.

We do hold information relating to the number of properties at risk of flooding.  Please refer to Devon County Council’s Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA), particularly the Annex Spreadsheet which was produced as part of the PFRA review in 2017 and is available on the Devon County Council web page Flood investigations, reports and studies

With reference to the number of people living at risk of flooding (at any level), please refer to the Annex Spreadsheet column R for the number of residential properties where the building structure would be affected either internally or externally if the flood were to occur.  See rows 8-17 with the various flood maps that have been analysed (detailed in column H).

With reference to the total number of people exposed to frequent flooding (1:75 years or above), none of the flood maps available to us specifically relate to the 1 in 75 year return period. Column H in the spreadsheet lists the flood map data sets available to us.

With reference to the total number living in EA-designated flood zone 3, Colum R, row 16 details the available figure for flood zone 3. This is the number of properties rather than number of people.