Flood Action Groups

I would like to request the following information:

1) Any meeting minutes where flood action groups or other civil society bodies have contributed to discussions about flooding in the last two years.

We have had many meetings with residents in flooded communities over recent years but have not held any minuted meetings with specific Flood Action Groups in the last 2 years as requested.

2) Any list of ‘flood action groups’ in your area.

We do not currently hold a list of Flood Action Groups across the County. The Environment Agency’s Resilience team may be able to assist with this.

3) The number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff you have dedicated to flood risk management and their roles.

Within the Flood & Coastal Risk Management team we currently have 13 officers delivering the following:

1 Head of Flood and Coastal Risk Management
1 Project Engineer delivering flood improvements assisted by 1 Graduate Apprentice (Temporary)
3 Officers delivering Lead Local Flood Authority statutory responsibilities including, Land Drainage Consents, enforcement, post flood event S19 Reporting, maintenance of local strategy, asset records etc.
2 Officers delivering the Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) statutory consultation role for the surface water management of new major development plus 1 Graduate Intern (temporary)
2 Officers delivering a Defra funded project for Innovative Resilience plus support from 1 graduate Intern (temporary)
1 Technician supporting the team