Former relevant children

1. How many former relevant children did the Council have duties towards in 2018, 2020 and 2022 respectively under:

(a) Section 23C Children Act 1989;
(b) Section 23CZB Children Act 1989; and
(c) Section 23CA Children Act 1989.

*2017/18: 457

*2019/20: 426

*2021/22: 430

2. How many personal advisors working with former relevant children were employed by the Council on a full-time basis in 2018, 2020 and 2022 respectively?


*2017/2018: 24

*2019/2020: 18

*2021/2022: 29

(2a) of those personal advisers, how many former relevant children on average did each one have responsibility for in each of the stated years?

Devon County Council does not hold this information.

3. How many personal advisors working with former relevant children were employed by the Council on a part-time basis in 2018, 2020 and 2022 respectively?

*2017/2018: 04

*2019/2020: 11

*2021/2022: 12

(3a) of those personal advisers, how many former relevant children on average did each one have responsibility for in each of the stated years?

Devon County Council does not hold this information.

4. How many copies of the local offer to care leavers were given out to former relevant children in 2018, 2020 and 2022 respectively?

Devon County Council believes compliance with this request would exceed the appropriate costs limit under Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which is £450 or 18 hours of officer time. 

This is because it would take 20 minutes to review each of the 498 care leaver files.  This would therefore take 166 hours.

In the interests of providing advice and assistance, we are able to provide you with the following information:  

The Local Offer is online and can also be provided as a hard copy. It is an expectation that all children in care and care experienced young people are provided with a copy, or a link (whichever is their preference) when they are allocated a personal adviser, and refreshed with the information when it is updated, or whenever they need it provided again.

(4a) In what format were they given (e.g. paper copy, emailed pdf, web link)?
Please see answer to Q4.

5. When was the last review or evaluation of the local offer? Please supply a copy of such review/evaluation.

October 2021 – Devon’s Local Offer to Care Leavers – Children In Care and Care Leavers – Children In Care and Care Leavers (
* information is presented by financial year.