Domiciliary and Residential Care

Please provide the following information:

1. The number of council-funded adult domiciliary care packages/clients returned to the Council by a provider (e.g. due to lack of capacity/funding) in January 2023 

Devon County Council (DCC) does not hold this information.  This is because DCC does not have an ability to fully differentiate single reasons for client handbacks.

2. The number of council-funded adult domiciliary care packages/clients returned to the council by a provider each month since January 2022 (including February 2023, if available)

Please refer to the explanation given in response to Question 1.

3. The number of unallocated/unsourced adult domiciliary care hours in February 2022

5,596 hrs

This number should be read in the context of these being hours that were being actively sought from the market, it does not reflect levels of care needs not being met as alternative interim resources may have been in place such as family, community healthcare, voluntary sector, residential care,  or other. Where there are interim or contingency arrangements in place, to mitigate the risk, care management teams will maintain contact with the individual concerned and offer regular review.

4. The current number of unallocated/unsourced adult domiciliary care hours

2,340 hrs

This number should be read in the context of these being actively sought from the market and can vary daily; it does not reflect levels of care needs not being met as alternative interim resources may have been in place such as family, community healthcare, voluntary sector, residential care,  or other. Where there are interim or contingency arrangements in place, to mitigate the risk, care management teams will maintain contact with the individual concerned and offer regular review.

5. The number of clients the question 4 figure relates to

227 clients

This number should be read in the context of this being care actively sought from the market, and levels of both clients and hours required can vary daily, it does not reflect levels of undelivered care as alternative interim resources may be in place such as family, community healthcare, voluntary sector or other. Interim care is monitored by the Care Management Teams pending provision in the community being sourced. As above,  DCC will maintain contact with those people to ensure oversight of the contingency support and to respond to any changes in need/options to provide support.

6. The number of council-funded adult residential care packages/clients returned to the council by a provider (e.g. due to lack of capacity/funding) in January 2023

Devon County Council does not hold this information.

7. The number of council-funded adult residential care packages/clients returned to the council by a provider each month since January 2022 (including February 2023, if available)

Devon County Council does not hold this information.

8. The number of council-funded care users currently awaiting an adult residential care placement

Devon County Council does not hold this information.

9. The average length of time the care users referred to in question 8 have been waiting for

Devon County Council does not hold this information.