Supportive and Effective Hospital Discharge


“With regard to the ‘Support effective hospital discharge V0 1’ document, please would you advise the history of this document including any revisions and dates thereof.

Please would you advise who is responsible for this document and how to contact them.

I would like to add the following question, observation to the current list.

In the document supplied it refers to other documents and processes. These must have forms and detail that is missing, not included in the document supplied, so the document so far supplied does not satisfy the original request for information. Also, in particular, it does not refer to document(s) that is supplied to those that are the recipients of the discharge.”


The job title of the officer responsible for this guidance is ‘Adult Social Care Policy Officer’, situated at The Annexe, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2 4QD.

The main documents and forms referred to in this guidance are; Assessment Notice, Discharge Notice and Withdrawal Notice as per the Care Act.  These are not supplied to individuals as part of the normal care process.   On discharge, the individual would be given a copy of the relevant assessment or support planning documentation.

Further policies that could be relevant to hospital discharge on Devon County Council’s policy web page include:

  • Eligibility
  • Fair and Affordable Care
  • Personal Budgets
  • Short Term Support… (intermediate care)
  • Charging
  • Self funders and part contributors
  • Choice in care  

All the above can be accessed via the link provided.

We do not hold details of the document’s history.