Streetlight Operation

How many streetlights does your council operate as of 1 April 2021?   

Total number of streetlights owned and maintained by Devon County Council – 79,270

How many streetlights did your council operate as of 1 April 2018?   

Devon County Council does not record this data in a manner that can be easily extracted from our systems. We estimate that it would take greater than the 18 hours that the Council is obliged to spend answering a freedom of information request to provide a response to this question.  As such, we consider that Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 applies.

Under the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004 public authorities are not obliged to comply with requests which exceed the cost limit of £450 (equating to 18 hours of time).

However, by way of assistance we believe the figure to be approximately 500 less

Do you dim or turn off any of your streetlights between certain hours of the night as of 1 April 2021? 


If so, how many of your streetlights does this affect? 

Total number of streetlights dimmed, CMS controlled or Part night light – 70,709

If so, what hours are they affected? 

Stepped Dimming from 21:30 to 06:30, Part night lighting off at 0:30 until 05:30 GMT

Do you dim or turn off any of your streetlights between certain hours of the night as of 1 April 2018? 


If so, how many of your streetlights did this affect? 

Devon County Council does not record this data in a manner that can be easily extracted from our systems. We estimate that it would take greater than the 18 hours that the Council is obliged to spend answering a freedom of information request to provide a response to this question.  As such, we consider that Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 applies.

Under the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004 public authorities are not obliged to comply with requests which exceed the cost limit of £450 (equating to 18 hours of time).

However, by way of assistance we believe the figure to be approximately 500 less.

If so, what hours were they affected? 

Stepped Dimming from 21:30 to 06:30, Part night lighting off at 0:30 until 05:30 GMT

What is the council’s annual budget for street lighting as of 1 April 2021? 

The 2021/22 Revenue Budget is £3.986M

What was the council’s annual budget for street lighting as of 1 April 2018? 


To note: There would be additional capital of  £1.22m for columns in 2018 and £1.5m in 2021. Also there is an £8.5m budget for changing to LED spread over 2018 to 2022.