School pupils – SEND NEET and home schooling

For each school year from Reception to Year 13, please state:
a) How many students are currently studying at mainstream maintained schools in the local authority area (excluding Alternative Provision, Specialist Schools and Pupil Referral Units, but including mainstream Sixth Form Colleges)
b) How many students with SEND statements or EHCPs are currently studying at mainstream maintained schools in the local authority area (excluding Alternative Provision, Specialist Schools and Pupil Referral Units, but including mainstream Sixth Form Colleges)
Please ensure the data is broken down by school year (Reception to Year 13). If the council wishes to provide a breakdown by individual school, that is fine as long as it does not then trigger the data protection FOI exemption (which is the reason I have asked for combined figures across all maintained schools). 

This information can be found on the School Census website below. Search by academic term and filter data as required.

School census statistics 

2. How many children of compulsory school age are currently (or as per the most recent available data) not in education, employment or training?

136- up to Year 11. This includes Children Missing Education (CME) and those in transition between settings, locations, schools and local authorities.

3. Of the figure for question 2, how many have been ‘not in education, employment or training’ for at least the last 12 months (if known)?

2, as above.

4. How many children of compulsory school age with SEND statements or EHCPs are currently (or as per the most recent available data) known to be home-schooled?


5. Of the figure for question 4, how many are known to have been home-schooled for at least the last 12 months (if known)?