Public Health – Alcohol Dependency in Devon

Does the Local Authority’s Director of Public Health have an estimate for the number of:

 a)      Dependent drinkers within your local authority area?

b)      Hazardous drinkers within your local authority area?

The following is taken from the Substance Misuse Rapid Needs Assessment 2017

Table 1: Estimated alcohol dependency (mild, moderate, severe) in Devon for adults (18 to 64) Source: PANSI, 2017; Sub-national population estimates 2015:-

Alcohol Dependence

Severity of Dependence Count of People in Devon
Severe 457
Moderate 1,828
Mild 24,676
TOTAL 26,961

Does the Local Authority’s Director of Public Health have an estimate for the number of children in your local authority area in:-

a)      Families with a dependent drinker(s)

b)      Families with a hazardous drinker(s)

2015-16: 401 children living with alcohol clients entering treatment in 2015-16.

Source PHE/NDTMS: Alcohol JSNA issued November 2016

Please note that this figure is not separately broken down into dependent / hazardous drinkers.

Can the Local Authority’s Director of Public Health provide me with the estimates referenced in request 1 and 2? Please see answers to Q1 and Q2.

Does the Local Authority’s Director of Public Health have in place a strategy of support for children of:

 a) Dependent drinkers

b) Hazardous drinkers

No, but please see below.

Devon Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016-19 Priority 1 ‘A focus on children, young people and families’ makes no separate reference to support for children of dependent/hazardous drinkers.

Substance Misuse Rapid Needs Assessment 2017(Section 5 Complex Lives: section makes reference to ACEs for children of those in treatment)

link to Rapid Health Needs Assessment

Other docs: 2012-13: The Devon substance misuse strategy’ Reducing harm, enabling change, empowering recovery 2014-17 a commissioning strategy for the development and delivery of a recovery orientated substance misuse system for adults in Devon  -. There is a link to the consultation version on the Public Health & Wellbeing website

The final version said: ‘Priority 4’ – safeguards children and young people and enable families to thrive


  • Families/parents and people with caring responsibilities and substance misuse needs are identified early and engaged in substance misuse services
  • Outcome focussed multi agency working supports families to develop resilience and self-reliance and safeguards children and young people
  • RISE responds to the needs of families and carers both in terms of supporting their ‘caring’ role and in providing support to the family member/carer

If so can I:

a)     Have a copy of the strategy referenced in request 4 and;

b)     Have an estimate of the budget provision made for this support –

        Not applicable

Can the Local Authority’s Director of Public Health provide me with an estimate for the number of referrals in your area made for treatments for alcohol misuse in the last year for which data is available?

2015-16: 1467 alcohol clients in Devon treatment system (aged 18 and over) citing alcohol as a problematic substance and who were in treatment at any point in the year (pharmacological, psychosocial and recovery support interventions). Source PHE/NDTMS Alcohol JSNA  

Can the Local Authority’s Director of Public Health provide me with an estimate for the amount spent on treatments for alcohol misuse in the last year for which data is available?

No. The service commissioned is a substance misuse service for adults (aged 18 and over) – spend on alcohol treatment cannot be separated out from this.

Can the Local Authority’s Director of Public Health provide me with an estimate for the amount your local authority area is forecast to spend on treatments for alcohol misuse in:

No. as above, the service commissioned is a substance misuse service for adults (aged 18 and over) – spend for alcohol treatment cannot be separated out from this. Full budgets for the years 2016/17 and 2017/18 can be found published in the relevant annual budget books at the link below.

a)      2016/17

b)      2017/18

c)      2018/19 – No budget is set yet for 2018/19