Nitrates and Phosphates Natura 09/04/2021

I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000/Environmental Information Regulations about how the local authority has been impacted by Natural England and Natural Resources Wales updated legal advice on nitrogen and phosphorous pollution in or near Natura 2000 sites in England and Wales since 2019.

1. Would you please provide a list of all the Natura 2000 sites that sit within, or partially within, the local authority’s boundary?

This information is publicly available on the County Council website – conservation and protected areas

2. As a result of Natural England’s updated planning advice on excess nutrients, would you please tell me how many planning applications are currently stuck or frozen in your planning system?

Devon County Council is responsible for determining planning applications for mineral, waste and its own development proposals (such as some schools developments and new roads). So far as these development types are concerned there are no planning applications ‘stuck or frozen’ in the planning system. For other development types (such as housing development) you would need to contact the district authorities.

3. Would you please tell me how many homes this equates to?

Please see response to Question 2 above