Mapleton Home

For DCC’s dementia specialist care home in Newton Abbot (Mapleton):

• How is resident dependency and the appropriate care staff hours calculated? Is a model used to determine this? If so – which one? –

The model used to calculate the care staff hours was historically based on guidance from the National Care Forum and using the Devon County Dependency Tool (currently being reviewed as part of the recommissioning of care homes project)”.

• Are the necessary amount of care hours estimated/calculated individually for each resident?


• Is any particular care staffing ratio to number of residents relied on? If so what is it? –

We have budgeted hours for four carers and a team leader, per day shift. There is one carer & one team leader at night. Management action is considered when the dependency is calculated as being higher than the staffing ratios within the budget.

The staff/resident ratio is therefore 1:4 during the day (5:20) and 1:10 (2:20) at night.

• Is/are any particular number(s) of care hours per resident relied on? If so, what are they?

No – care hours are individually tailored per resident.

• Are different staffing levels or hours (e.g. ‘bands’) or ratios used for different levels of resident dependency? If so what are they (and what levels of dependency are used)

Mapleton is registered for dementia care and acceptance of a place is based on a diagnosis of dementia. The dependency tool is used to calculate the care hours required for the individual resident.

• For the last 6 months, what are the average weekly:

Resident occupancy

18-19 people/ 90-95%

Proportion of those residents who have dementia


If ‘bands’/levels of dependency are used – average in each

Please refer to our response above regarding ‘bands’ confirming that calculation is made on the basis required for the individual resident. This question is therefore not applicable.

Care staff hours – N/A
Management hours – N/A
Care Staff/resident ratio – N/A

For the last 6 months what are the average weekly:

care staff hours per resident:

Care Assistant – 23.5 including night time care hours
Team Leaders – 6.66 including night time care hours

Care staff hours for each resident, grouped into each level of dependency (if different levels of dependency are used). E.g. “the weekly average care hours provided for Enhanced Dependency residents was 24 hours”

The dependency tool for each resident is aggregated to arrive at a whole home dependency, it is then compared against the available care hours per week to inform whether the home is adequately staffed.