Live-in care packages

How many packages of live-in care do you commission each year? 

Average of 17 new packages per year based on the last 5 years.

* How many of these packages do you consider to be for standard care needs and how many are more complex?

We do not hold this information. Packages are not categorised as standard or complex.

* How many providers do you currently purchase live-in care packages from?


* What are the price points of your live-in care packages?

We believe this information to be exempt under Section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Commercial Interests’ – exempts information whose disclosure would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of other providers. Release of this information could give unfair advantage to competitors, which could negatively affect the commercial interests of our current providers.

Devon County Council recognises that this exemption is subject to the public interest test and is confident that the public interest is best served by withholding this information at this time.

* How do you procure these packages i.e. spot purchase, framework etc?

Through offer to the market via our Arranging Support Teams.

* If via a framework or other formal contract arrangement, is this currently open for new providers to join?

Not applicable.