Information Asset Owners

1. Has the Council appointed, or does the Council plan on appointing IAO’s?

The council has appointed Information Asset Owners.

2. Whom is responsible for the leading IAO structure, I.E. the SIRO/’Lead’ IAO/Head of Governance/Head of Corporate Services etc.

The council’s Senior Information Risk Owner, Rob Parkhouse is responsible for the organisation’s information assurance structure.

3. What is the IAO structure in terms of how the role is allocated (e.g. is it only given to heads of departments), and what are the job titles of the IAO’s?

Responsibility for Information Asset Ownership rests with Heads of Service

4. Whom is responsible for reviewing and implementing any training needs for the IAO’s? (A job title is fine)

Training needs are assessed and managed by line managers as part of regular supervisions and appraisals. Line managers for Heads of Service are Chief Officers or the Chief Executive.

5. Spend on IAO training over the past 5 years, per year (if not able to be broken down year by year, an average per year is fine).
