Highways Head of Service and Managers


“I would like to request information from the Council as follows:-

  • Who is the Head of Service for Highways?
  • Who is the Highways Asset Manager?
  • Who is the Winter and Resilience Manager?

 Can I please have their name and correct job title and email if possible?  Also, if you don’t have these positions within the Authority will you please tell me which other Authority to contact for the people who cover your region?”



 The Head of Service for Highways is Meg Booth, Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure, Development and Waste.  E-mail vanessa.skelding@devon.gov.uk

The Highways Asset Manager is Paul Davis.  E-mail paul.davis@devon.gov.uk

The Winter and Resilience Manager is Joe Deasy, Highways Asset Management Group Manager.  E-mail joe.deasy@devon.gov.uk

In the interests of providing advice and assistance, the Structure Chart for Meg Booth’s service areas is publicly available on our website here.