Domestic abuse of young people

1. Does your local authority have a policy and/or protocol on how to respond to intimate partner abuse for child victims aged 12 to 17

Aged  Yes No  Don’t Know 
16 – 17 No
Under 16 No

If yes, please provide the policy.

We do not hold this information.

2. Do you collect data in your local area on the number of young people aged 16 or 17 who have experienced abuse within their own intimate partner relationships as set out in the 2013 Government’s definition of domestic abuse (detailed below)?

Yes if referred

Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality.”

3. Do you collect data on the number of young people under the age of 16 in your local area who have experienced abuse within their own intimate partner relationship?

Yes if referred.

4. Does your local authority commission a specialist service for young people who victims of abuse in intimate partner relationships, eg. Young People’s Violence Adviser or equivalent? (if the answer is no or don’t know please skip to question 8)

Aged  Yes No Don’t know 
16 – 17 Yes
Under 16 Yes  -14+
Young people until they turn 18 with the option of transitional support Continuous service as it sits alongside the adult service

5. If yes, what is the full time equivalent capacity of that service per week?

Currently 1 fte commissioned and 1 fte funded from another source

Please also see a response to a previous request

6. How many children did your young people’s domestic abuse service work with between 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019?

175 children referred for CYP support.
– 88 referrals to YP IDVA service for children experiencing DVA in their own relationship
– 87 referrals for CYP/family work where the children have witnessed DVA

7. How many 16 and 17 year olds did your young people’s domestic abuse service work with between 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019?


8. How many children under the age of 16 years did your young people’s domestic abuse service work with between 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019?

16 who have been in their own DVA relationships 87 who have witnessed

9. What other services does your local authority commission locally in addition to specialist services mentioned in response to question 4 to respond to cases of abuse in intimate relationship involving young people? (Please tick all that apply)

Victims under the age of 16 Young people who harm under the age of 16 16 & 17 victims Young people who harm aged 16 and 17
Refuge services
Prevention work / awareness raising
Helplines (other advice services)
Drop in services
Crisis intervention services (if separate to YPVA service)
Support groups
Other community based services
Other please specify:

Please see a response to a previous request.

10. If your local authority has a Local Welfare Assistance Scheme, is fleeing domestic violence considered a factor in its awarding criteria?

Local Welfare Assistance Schemes are the responsibility of District and Unitary councils, please contact them directly using the information on the link provided.

11. If yes, between 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019 in how many:

Please see the response to the previous question.