Capital Receipts and Expenditure

I am emailing to request information from the council under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

For each of the following financial years: 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 (up to the date on which you received this request) I request the following information:

A) The total amount of capital receipts (in £) received by the council following the disposal of any type of asset

Please see the attached spreadsheet available via the link:

B) A breakdown of the use of capital receipts within each financial year by the following three categories:
i)To help meet the cost of borrowing related to capital expenditure

Devon County Council have had no expenditure and therefore hold information in relation to this question.

ii)To invest in new capital expenditure

Please see the table below:

Capital Receipts applied to finance Capital Expenditure £’000
2014-15 5,707
2015-16  10,960
2016-17 18,385
2017-18 8,035

iii) To finance the revenue costs of service reform (as introduced in March 2016 –
iv) Other

In relation to questions iii) and iv) Devon County Council have had no expenditure and therefore hold information in relation to this question.

C) A list of service reforms financed through capital receipts since flexible use of capital receipts was introduced in March 2016, including:
i) The date the reform began
ii) The amount (in £) of capital receipts used
iii) The savings target at the time
iv) The % of that savings target which has been met to-date

D) The amount of capital receipts (in £) used to meet the cost of redundancies made (or in the process of being made) by the council during each financial year

Devon County Council hold no information in relation to questions C) and D)

E) The number of redundancies made by the local authority in each financial year broken down by the service they relate to

Please see the attached tables available via the same link as set out in response to question A) above.

Where information refers to “other services”, this is because the available information for each service totals less than 5 and to reveal the total for each services would risk identifying the individuals concerned. This would be unfair to the individuals concerned and a breach of s.35 of the Data Protection Act 2018. This further detail is therefore exempt from disclosure pursuant to s. 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.