Once an application is registered it will be available to view online as well as at Devon County Council, Lucombe House, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2 4QD from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday; or at the relevant district council offices during their opening hours. All viewings are by prior appointment only.
We email a hyperlink to the application forms, plans and supporting documentation to selected statutory consultees requesting their views. The statutory consultees include the relevant district and parish/town councils, our own internal consultees, for example, Highways Development Control Officers and any other organisations whose response would be relevant to the proposal, for example, Environment Agency, Natural England or Historic England.
A site notice will be placed as near as reasonably practicable to the application site in public view. We will also consult with affected neighbours by letter. A neighbouring property is considered to be any property that shares a common boundary or lies opposite or close to the application site, where in the opinion of the case officer the occupants of the property could be materially affected by the proposal.
Major applications and applications that are accompanied by an Environmental Statement; involve a departure from the Development Plan; affect a Public Right of Way; are within a Conservation Area; or affect the setting of a Listed Building, will be advertised in a local paper.
The consultation period for an application lasts 21 days. If, as a result of consultation responses, new information is required, or if we receive amended plans, it may be necessary to re-consult for a further 14 days.