Historic environment advice
Specialist Advice Service relating to the historic environment
Development that affects World Heritage Site, Scheduled Monument, Registered Park & Garden, Protected Wreck or non-designated archaeological site, historic building or landscape
Specialist Advice Service regarding whether a development will need Scheduled Monument or other statutory consent and/or a Heritage Statement/Heritage Impact Assessment, Desk-Based Assessment or Field Evaluation, how to undertake this work and which statutory consultees or other specialists to speak to can be obtained from the Devon County Council Historic Environment Team (note that Scheduled Monument Consent, for development that directly affects a Scheduled Monument, will be dealt with by Historic England).
Development that affects a listed building or conservation area
Specialist Advice Service regarding whether a development will need Listed Building Consent, Design and Access Statement and/or a Heritage Statement and which conservation officer or other specialists to consult can be obtained from the Devon County Council Historic Environment Team (note that in most instances, Listed Building consent will be dealt with by district councils).
The initial appraisal and comment on a proposal will be free of charge. Subsequent detailed Specialist Advice Service may be charged as follows:
(All prices shown above exclude VAT at 20%)
Consultations and developments that are not subject to these charges are:
- householder planning applications
- academic research
- enquiries from the general public, including amenity societies
- neighbourhood plan groups
- enquiries from local planning authorities and parish councils
A written response will be provided within 14 days of the request or following any meeting and receipt of the appropriate fee.
More details on charges and the types of applications.
What we don’t offer
- We do not offer historic environment professional services, such as survey work or mitigation design. To find a historic environment professional, contact archaeol@devon.gov.uk
How to obtain pre-application planning advice on historic environment matters
For more information about the Specialist Pre-Application service, please visit Devon County Council Historic Environment website.