Ruth Hayman Trust – educational grants for speakers of other languages

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The Ruth Hayman Trust awards small grants to support the education and training of adult speakers of other languages settled in the UK. The Trust supports those suffering severe financial and social hardship. The maximum award is £1500, but the average is about £300 – £500.   They do not normally make more than one award per course.

You can apply if…

  • you are an adult who has come to settle in the UK
  • you are resident in the UK, either as a citizen of the UK or EU, as a spouse or partner of a UK citizen, or as a person seeking asylum, or a refugee
  • you can provide an academic reference, normally from someone who has taught, or currently teaches you. See Guidelines for referees
  • you speak English as a second or other language; and
  • you can show that you are in financial need

You cannot apply if…

  • are an undergraduate or postgraduate student unless the course leads directly to employment.
  • are in the UK as an overseas student.

What can a grant pay for?

  • registration and course fees
  • exam fees
  • Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) fees
  • costs of joining professional bodies if these are essential for participation on the course.
  • essential textbooks
  • equipment essential to the course such as chef’s knives, hairdresser’s scissors, a stethoscope, flowers for a floristry student
  • specialist equipment for students with disabilities
  • travel for students with disabilities. A letter from a doctor must be enclosed with your application.

What a grant cannot pay for:

  • travel costs (except for disabled students with an accompanying statement from a doctor)
  • computers
  • accommodation
  • childcare
  • living expenses
  • university education unless the course is essential for the work you want to do.

More English language support: