Safe Passage



Safe Passage champions the rights of refugees and displaced people as they flee persecution, using the law to help them access a safe route to a place of safety. They work alongside refugees to campaign for change and build public support for safe passage for all.


Reuniting child refugees with their family

Safe Passage’s legal teams in France, Greece and the UK work to help child refugees reunite with their families through a safe route to a place where they can rebuild their lives. If you would like to receive help from Safe Passage’s legal team with your application for refugee family reunion, please download the form by clicking here and sending the completed form to the email address below.

Supporting Afghan refugees at risk

Safe Passage has a dedicated team in the UK and France working to support Afghans fleeing persecution and the Taliban.

Learn more

Supporting refugees fleeing Ukraine

In collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Safe Passage set up a team in Warsaw to safely relocate to the UK. They aim to support those most let down and ignored by Europe’s response to the invasion –  non-Ukrainian refugees, unaccompanied children, those without passports or ID.

Fighting for change

Safe Passage campaigns for change to a system that cruelly punishes refugees seeking safety. Campaigns are built on the experiences of those that have sought sanctuary, with the Safe Passage Young Leaders, a group of young people from refugee backgrounds, at the heart of all their campaigning. Learn more about Young Leaders

The Grassroots Campaigners Team is a movement of passionate refugee supporters across the UK who campaign for change in their communities. Alongside Young Leaders, they take action across the UK to fight for refugee rights and their legal routes to safety. Learn more about Safe Passage Campaigners



Mobile:            +44 7756879276 between 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. For urgent out of hours media enquiries please contact: +447517805753

Email:      or fill in a contact form


Address:          PO Box 79446, LONDON E2 2HS


How do you go about reuniting child refugees with their loved ones?

We use ‘entry clearance’ procedures for most cases involving children seeking safety in the UK – now a lot more complex since the UK’s departure from the EU. After a client reaches out to us, we set up an initial meeting to guide them and their loved ones through potential reunion options under UK law. If they choose to proceed, we navigate the visa application process with them, meticulously gathering all required evidence. While the ultimate goal is a positive decision securing a much-awaited visa for the child and/or their family, the reality often involves appeals and judge reviews, which can leave refugees in limbo for an extended period.

How do refugees get in touch and communicate with Safe Passage?

They are often referred by a former client, another organisation, or refugee shelter staff – especially if they’re under 18. Communication can be challenging when refugees are in hiding or on the move, so we sometimes have to rely on relatives or other professionals on the ground to maintain contact.

Do any of the refugees you support face specific challenges?

The girls we support are at heightened risk of gender-based violence and trafficking, including Female Genital Mutilation, forced marriage, domestic and sexual abuse. Advocating for their needs with local agencies, working closely with families and professionals, and pushing for a swift processing of their applications is our priority to help keep them safe.

How can I support your work with child refugees?

A great way to support us is to fundraise in your communitybut one of the most impactful forms of support you can give to child refugees is by leaving a gift in your will – it will help sustain our expert legal work and support families on the move for years to come.