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Officer Decisions (archive)

Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment - Dave Black

Summary of Matter or Issue Requiring Decision:

Request for the North Devon Link Road Proposals for Improvement Scheme to proceed to public consultation. Consultation will run form to 9th June 2017 and last for 7 weeks


Fri 16th June 9am – 5pm              Exhibition Green Lanes Barnstaple

Sat 17th June 9am – 5pm             Exhibition Green Lanes Barnstaple

Tues 20th June 12pm – 8pm         Exhibition Bideford Town Hall

Fri 23rd June 12pm – 8pm            Exhibition South Molton Amory Centre

Plus one week unmanned exhibition at Taw View week commencing 24th July

Leaflets will be produced and circulated to libraries and local councils etc.

Advertisements in the Local Paper plus other media including scheme website.

Information will be available on the scheme website and have your say website.

Decision Taken:


Summary of Reason(s) for Decision Taken:

The scheme has the potential to be the catalyst to facilitate a higher level of growth in the area by driving forward an ambitious growth strategy for the area in line with The Heart of the South West’s Strategic Economic Plan (SEP). This sets out a ‘transformational’ growth scenario for the region which will see housing delivered at a faster rate than the UK average, equating to approximately 1000 dwellings per year in northern Devon.

The scheme will be a substantial improvement to the existing road and address several existing issues already prevalent along the route.

Summary of Alternatives or Options considered and rejected:

The scheme is for the section of the NDLR between Borner’s Bridge on the A361 north of South Molton and Heywood Road on the A39 north of Bideford. One option will be consulted on broken down into three sections.


Between South Molton and Barnstaple and Barnstaple and Bideford an option to widen the road to provide more overtaking opportunities and to improve the junctions has been developed.


Around Barnstaple an option has been developed to improve the junctions and widen the existing road to provide two lanes in each direction with a central double white line. This is a high capacity urban four lane road with a speed restriction.


Where possible the existing road would be widened on one side by removing the existing vegetation from that side and providing mitigation within the highway boundary. Some land acquisition could be required for further mitigation and to make construction and maintenance easier.

Details of any conflict of interest and dispensation granted to the Officer taking the decision or by any Member of the Council in delegating responsibility for any specific express delegation:

None known to the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment

Contact for enquiries/further information:
Name: Dave Black Tel: 01392 383000 Email:
Decision Date:
9 May 2017

A copy of this decision and any supporting documentation considered by the Officer taking this decision may also be made available or inspection by the public at the Council’s Offices or posted upon payment of any copying and postage charges. Any member of the public wishing to take up either of these options is asked to please ring 01392 382888 or email:
