Officer Decisions
Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment - Dave Black
Seeking approval to submit a bid to the Department for Transport’s Active Travel Fund
Bid value £2.5m with a £1.6m match from the Local Transport Fund
The Government have invited bids for capital funding to support delivery of ambitious new cycling and walking schemes as part of their commitment to deliver a step change in the provision of high quality schemes that deliver better streets for everyone.
A package of schemes has been prepared which meet the fund key criteria; compliance with the latest Cycling Design Standards, fit into a long-term network plan, good potential to convert short vehicle journeys to active travel and tackling areas with poor health outcomes and high levels of deprivation.
The schemes represent good value for money, contribute towards the established aspiration for making Devon the ‘place to be naturally active’ and have the potential to bring a range of wider benefits to the residents of Devon, including improved health, air quality, lower carbon emissions and reduced congestion.
The schemes have been prioritised in accordance with the fund principles. Should less than the total ask of £2.5m be received, the schemes will be delivered in accordance with their priority.
List of schemes:
- Exeter – Magdalen Road & Dryden Road) making permanent
- Ilfracombe to Barnstaple – Missing link Tarka Trail
- Newton Abbot – Town Centre to Rail Station and other quiet roads
- E-bike network expansion – Exe Estuary and Coastal Towns
- Exeter – Rifford Road bidirectional cycle route
- Improved green lanes connecting settlements to wider active travel opportunities
- Barnstaple – Upgrading crossing at Pilton Causeway and Chaloners Road
- Exeter – Modal filters in residential areas
Do Nothing
A possible alternative would be for the County Council to opt to not submit a bid to the Active Travel Fund. However, funding gaps would remain for the schemes included within the bid and delivery would be delayed. Improvements to Devon’s active travel network would fall behind other authorities nationwide who successfully secure funding.
Alternative Schemes
A decision could have been made to submit alternative schemes as part of a package to the Active Travel Fund. However, the schemes included have been selected to balance the need to meet the fund criteria, demonstrate good deliverability within the fund timescales and deliver impactful change in the county.
A copy of this decision and any supporting documentation considered by the Officer taking this decision may also be made available or inspection by the public at the Council’s Offices or posted upon payment of any copying and postage charges. Any member of the public wishing to take up either of these options is asked to please ring 01392 382888 or email: