Officer Decisions
Head of Integrated Adult Social Care (interim) - Solveig Wright
The award of inflationary uplift for care home fees for 2024/25
Following engagement and formal consultation with the care homes market, the following decisions were taken:
1) To award increases to the personalised fee model rates as follows: a) 4% increase to residential accommodation rate 2) To award a weighted average increase of 4% on banded fees 3)To increase non-banded fees, which are negotiated individually, by 6%
The Council recognises it needs to give consideration to inflation and the increase in the National Living Wage. The inflationary uplift acknowledges the NLW increase in the staffing element and is set above the NLW rate as of April 2024/25.
During February/March 2024, the Council consulted on its proposals. The consultation received 31 responses, all of and which were carefully considered by officers.
The Decision Maker has given due regard to the Consultation Document, the Equality Impact Assessment, market conditions and all consultation feedback. Following due consideration of these documents, the Decision Maker reached the decision set out above.
The council considered multiple options in considering this year’s award.
The initial proposal was of a flat 4% but taking into consideration the feedback received there were 6 options being tabled:
The council already pays above the national living wage within the current composite pay rate, the staff element has been uplifted by the 6% to allow providers to pay above the NLW and ensure staff retention. Non staff costs will be increased by 4% which is aligned with the Cost Price Index (CPI) increase in November and December 2023 for non-staffing costs; and the national forecast that inflation is expected to reduce further over the next 12 months, to an average of 2.2% |
A copy of this decision and any supporting documentation considered by the Officer taking this decision may also be made available or inspection by the public at the Council’s Offices or posted upon payment of any copying and postage charges. Any member of the public wishing to take up either of these options is asked to please ring 01392 382888 or email: