Officer Decisions
Head of Economy, Enterprise and Skills - Keri Denton
Decision to award the contract for CP2229-22 Wave 3 Train4Tomorrow Skills Bootcamps FTS tender process.
To award a contract (Subject to due diligence) to the below organisations for the provision of the above contract. The contract will commence on 13/06/2022, for the period of 10 Months, with an option to extend for a further 2 x 12 months.
Organisation(s) Name(s) and Address(es)
- Apricot Centre CIC, Huxhams Cross Farm, Rattery Road, Dartington, TQ9 6AA
- Blue Screen IT Ltd, Lowin House, Tregolls Road, Truro, Cornwall, United Kingdom, TR1 2NA
- Cornwall College Further Education Corporation, Cornwall College, Tregonissey Road, St Austell, Cornwall, PL25 4DJ
- Dimensions Training Solutions Limited, 32 Eyre Street, First Floor, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 4QZ
- Exeter College, Hele Road, Exeter EX4 4JS
- Truro and Penwith College, College Road, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3XX
The decision has been taken on the basis of supplier(s) achieving the highest overall score within a best value tender (optimum combination of whole-life costs and quality) in line with the FTS Procurement Directives, Single Stage Bid Procedure, Social and Other Specific Services (also known as ‘the light touch regime’) awarding based upon Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT).
A competitive process was undertaken from which 32 bids were received from 10 providers and were considered as part of the formal evaluation process. Of the 32 bids 25 were successful from 6 providers.
The option to directly award Grants via Expressions of Interest was discussed with DCC Legal team, but due to the high value of the DFE Grant it was decided that a full procurement under PCR 2015 regs was the best option.
Completed by Head or Service for contracts value over £1M.
A copy of this decision and any supporting documentation considered by the Officer taking this decision may also be made available or inspection by the public at the Council’s Offices or posted upon payment of any copying and postage charges. Any member of the public wishing to take up either of these options is asked to please ring 01392 382888 or email: