Officer Decisions (archive)
Head of Children's Health and Wellbeing - Janet Fraser
Decision to retain two beds in supported accommodation for 16/17 year olds at risk of homelessness who present to DCC social services.
- To retain one bed in Esther Community for £312.20 per week and one bed in Exeter Foyer for £237.85 per week, from 22nd December – 5th This will mean a total cost of £1099.10, to come from budget code H520 HG10A 5771 young people’s homelessness prevention.
- These beds to be used by 16/17 year olds at risk of homelessness who present to the Emergency Duty Service or other DCC Duty Teams during the Christmas period.
The beds can be accessed directly by the Emergency Duty Service – contact details and access arrangements to be provided.
Due to the impact of Covid-19 on staffing in some Homelessness Prevention providers, capacity to take spot purchase referrals for emergency beds is likely to be reduced over the Christmas and New Year period in 2021/22. Pressure on other services (e.g. emergency fostering placements) means that these are likely to be needed for under 16s or those with an obvious care need. In order to meet our duties under the joint protocol to 16/17 year olds without taking resource away from other areas where it is needed for children in care, two short-term emergency beds will be commissioned as an emergency option for 16/17 year olds who present or are referred to DCC Duty services during the Christmas period, until an assessment can be carried out and/or a longer term option sought.
Other options considered were to rely on usual spot purchase routes. However, this may not be sufficient due to additional staffing pressures on these services caused by Covid-19 and staff needing to self-isolate. Another option would be to rely on emergency care placements, e.g. fostering beds, however, this could take capacity away from under 16s needing to be accommodated during the Christmas period.
No conflict of interest.
A copy of this decision and any supporting documentation considered by the Officer taking this decision may also be made available or inspection by the public at the Council’s Offices or posted upon payment of any copying and postage charges. Any member of the public wishing to take up either of these options is asked to please ring 01392 382888 or email: