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Officer Decisions

Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport - Meg Booth

Summary of Matter or Issue Requiring Decision:

Minor changes to the design of the A382 MRN highway improvement scheme: Greycoat Lane Earthworks.

Decision Taken:

To adopt the altered highway design to accomodate the updated highway earthworks at the A382/Forches Cross junction to accommodate the proposed highway levels at Forches Cross.

Summary of Reason(s) for Decision Taken:

The highway design for Forches Cross junction has evolved alongside further geotechnical investigations. Cutting slopes requiring more land are required at this location.

The new design option includes pedestrian/cycle access to Greycoat Lane and its playing fields.

Summary of Alternatives or Options considered and rejected:

Previous considerations of the A382 MRN scheme (Cabinet October 2021) did not make provision for the required embankments. This option could be pursued but would require the construction of retaining walls.

Details of any conflict of interest and dispensation granted to the Officer taking the decision or by any Member of the Council in delegating responsibility for any specific express delegation:



When Cabinet approved on 13 October 2021 the progression of the A382 scheme, the cabinet agreed to delegate minor design changes to effectively Meg Booth in consultation with the Cabinet and Local Member. A copy of Cllr Davis and Cllr Gribble’s approval can be provided upon request.

Contact for enquiries/further information:
Clare Breckin, Engineering Design Group
Decision Date:
20 February 2023

A copy of this decision and any supporting documentation considered by the Officer taking this decision may also be made available or inspection by the public at the Council’s Offices or posted upon payment of any copying and postage charges. Any member of the public wishing to take up either of these options is asked to please ring 01392 382888 or email:
