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Officer Decisions

Cabinet Member for Organisational Development and Digital Transformation - Barry Parsons

Summary of Matter or Issue Requiring Decision:

Decision to enter into a Joint Working Agreement (JWA) with Hampshire County Council and Manchester City Council, to administer a new Southern Construction Framework Professional Services Framework. The JWA will be for a maximum five-year period, with break clauses.

Decision Taken:


Summary of Reason(s) for Decision Taken:

To continue Devon’s partnership with Hampshire County Council for the management of Southern Construction Framework with the introduction of a complimentary Professional Services Framework made up of a range of construction consultants.

The current Construction Framework arrangements and partnership with Hampshire Council is performing well, and the delivery model is proving effective.

This decision will establish the basis for providing framework users with greater support to carry out construction projects via a complimentary Professional Services Framework.

Summary of Alternatives or Options considered and rejected:

Significant achievements have been made since the Council first established its regional construction framework eight years ago.

This has since developed into effective shared framework management operations with Hampshire County Council; the recommendation is to continue and build upon this arrangement which has proven successful to date. Providing framework users with additional support to carry out construction projects.

Details of any conflict of interest and dispensation granted to the Officer taking the decision or by any Member of the Council in delegating responsibility for any specific express delegation:

No conflicts of interest.

Contact for enquiries/further information:
Justin Bennetts: 01392 383000 or
Decision Date:
18 December 2018

A copy of this decision and any supporting documentation considered by the Officer taking this decision may also be made available or inspection by the public at the Council’s Offices or posted upon payment of any copying and postage charges. Any member of the public wishing to take up either of these options is asked to please ring 01392 382888 or email:
