Education High Needs Block Spend

1.What was the value of the council’s High Needs Block allocation in 2019/20, including basic entitlement factor, import/export adjustments and hospital education funding? This excludes any transfer of funds by the council from other parts of the Dedicated Schools Grant into the High Needs Block (or vice versa). 2. What is the value of the council’s High Needs Block allocation in 2020/21, including basic entitlement factor, import/export adjustments and hospital education funding? This excludes any transfer of funds by the council from other parts of the Dedicated Schools Grant into the High Needs Block (or vice versa).
3. What is the monetary value of the council’s forecast overspend or underspend (please specify) on its High Needs Block in 2019/20? This is prior to any transfers of money from other parts of the council budget, including other parts of the DSG block.
4. What is the monetary value of the council’s currently forecast overspend or underspend (please specify) on its High Needs Block in 2020/21? This is prior to any transfers of money from other parts of the council budget, including other parts of the DSG block.
5. What is the monetary value of the council’s forecast overspend or underspend (please specify) on its Dedicated Schools Grant budget in 2019/20? This is after any transfers of money from other parts of the council budget.
6. What is the monetary value of the council’s currently forecast overspend or underspend (please specify) on its Dedicated Schools Grant budget in 2020/21? This is after any transfers of money from other parts of the council budget.
7. What is the monetary value of transfers to the council’s High Needs expenditure from other parts of the council’s DSG allocation in 2019/20?
8. What is the monetary value of transfers from the council’s High Needs Block allocation to other parts of the council’s DSG expenditure in 2019/20?
9. What is the monetary value of forecast transfers to the council’s High Needs expenditure from other parts of the council’s DSG allocation in 2020/21?
10. What is the monetary value of forecast transfers from the council’s High Needs Block allocation to other parts of the council’s DSG expenditure in 2020/21?
11. What is the forecast level of the schools reserve at the end of 2019/20?
12. What is the forecast level of the schools reserve at the end of 2020/21?

Our response to Questions 1 – 12 is contained in the spreadsheet linked to below :

Education High Needs Block Spend

13. Does the council have a deficit recovery plan for the Dedicated Schools Grant or High Needs Block budget?

No, we are awaiting guidance from the Department for Education (DfE)

14. If the answer to question 13 is ‘yes’, please provide a copy of the deficit recovery plan (with redactions of any personal information).

Please see the response to Question 13.