Young person services – planned expenditure 2018-2020

The data we are looking for and hope you can help with is the planned expenditure on services for young people, as agreed by your local authority, for each of the financial years 2018/19 and 2019/20. For the purposes of this request, the data provided should correspond with the definition of ‘Service for Young People’ used for the Local Authority Section 251 return – lines ‘3.5.1 Universal services for young people’ and ‘3.5.2 Targeted services for young people.’

The information requested for Devon County Council and other local authorities is published online on the submitted Section 251 statements posted on the government website at:

The Section 251 return for the financial year 2019/20  will be published later this year on the same website.  We do hold this information but as this information is due to be published shortly it is exempt from disclosure pursuant to s.22 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.