Young people at risk or in below average income households

We are currently applying for funding to facilitate developmental film-making projects in two areas of Devon, Princetown and Whipton Barton. In support of this funding we request Freedom of Information access to data regarding the percentages/numbers of young people in these areas within the social care bracket, on at risk registers or living in households below the average income. We hope that this information will act as further evidence of need for our work in these two communities and enable us to fund projects that can benefit the young people living locally to Princetown and Whipton Barton.

An area profile, including economic and household indicators, for Whipton Barton is available on our public website. We do not have a profile for Princetown as such as it is not a ward or parish but there are a number of profiles for areas in West Devon.

As at 31st December 2017 there were 16 Children who were Children In Need / on a Child Protection Plan / on a Child In Care Plan as at 31st December 2017 and with current address within Princetown postcodes.For Whipton Barton, following the Department for Education precedent on the release of data – low numbers are suppressed to protect children’s identities and preserve confidentiality. The number of Children who were Children In Need / on a Child Protection Plan / on a Child In Care Plan as at 31st December 2017 and with current address within Whipton Barton postcodes is less than 15 and therefore the exact number cannot be disclosed.