Water and sewerage charges – social housing

It is the practice of water companies to charge for these services via local authority rents, under the Water Industry Act 1991. Please advise the arrangement in your area along with any arrangements to refund for overcharging caused by any scenario that may apply.
This may be with respect to Water Orders regarding re-selling or due to disparity between metered charges and those based on RV.

My interest is in local authorities using the Rateable Value method in conjunction with water company(ies) to charge social housing tenants for supply of water and sewerage services. This will be done under the Water Industry Act 1991 and may have ramifications under the Water Orders on re-selling same. Please advise if Daventry is acting as ‘agents’ for a water company in this manner.

Devon County Council is not a housing authority and we therefore do not hold the information you have requested.  Housing is the responsibility of district, city or unitary authorities and we would therefore recommend that you contact them for this information.   Contact details can be found on our website at:

Neighbouring authorities