Updated Report of Broadband’s Mobile Connectivity

“In March 2018, the DCC CIRS Scrutiny Committee published this Broadband and Mobile Phone Connectivity task group report. The DCC Cabinet endorsed the task group report and its recommendations on May 16 (with minor changes) and the report was the second item on the May 22 CDS Board meeting. See https://www.connectingdevonandsomerset.co.uk/board-meeting-agenda/

The CIRS Scrutiny Committee task group made 7 recommendations that are listed on pages 2 and 3 of the March 2018 Broadband and Mobile Phone Connectivity Report.

Please provide the following information:

(a) What actions have the CDS Board agreed at their May 22 Board meeting to undertake in respect of each of the 7 recommendations in the March 2018 Broadband and Mobile Phone Connectivity Report from the DCC CIRS Scrutiny Committee task group? Please also provide detailed information and timescales in respect of the two highlighted sentences in the report in respect of Recommendations 1(a) and 3.

Please find here the CDS Board response to the DCC CIRS Scrutiny Committee task group March 2018 Broadband and Mobile Phone Connectivity Report containing detailed responses to the recommendations.

(b) Which (if any) of the 7 recommendations are dependent on obtaining the agreement/support of Somerset County Council in order to deliver all or part of the recommendation and what is being done to ensure their agreement / support is forthcoming, considering that Somerset County Council declined to participate in the DCC CIRS Scrutiny Committee task group when invited to do so, in 2017?”

Recommendations 1 – 4 were addressed to the CDS Board.  The responses contained in the above document to these recommendations have been approved by the CDS Board which includes representation from Somerset County Council.