Transgender children taken in to care

1. In the 2018 calendar year how many children did you take into care (either interim of full care orders) where the child concerned was recorded as being transgender?

Devon County Council do not hold this data

2. How many of these children were recorded in your records as undertaking medical or counselling services with a view to having a having a sex change procedure?

3. In how many of these cases was part of the reason for taking the child into care the friction/dispute/arguments between the parents/carers of the child and the child in relation to this desire to have a sex change procedure?

In response to both questions 2 and 3, as confirmed in response to question 1 above, we do not hold this data.

It is possible that this information could be obtained by an individual review of every child currently recorded in our records, such as considering the original assessments from the years when they were taken into care or considered to be a child in need.

However, this would be a vast task. In 2016 – 2017 alone there were 7000+ children identified as being potentially Children in Need and each one of those records would need to be examined at approximately 10 mins per record.

This information is therefore exempt from disclosure pursuant to s.12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.