Traded school services and management information system support

1. Do you provide traded services to schools in your area, or do you contract this out to another party that is not connected to the local authority? If so, to which?

Scomis provides traded services to schools

2. Which school MIS (management information systems) providers do you hold support contracts or accreditations with, and for each:
a) What the nature of the current arrangement is (a paid contract, an unpaid accreditation)?

Capita Sims – paid contract

b) When the current arrangement began and when it will finish (including any extensions)?

It expires 31st March 2021

c) If a paid contract, under what basis did you procure it (e.g. directly, through a framework, via OJEU procurement, other)?

OJEU procurement

3. How many schools do you provide MIS support services to,

over 690

a) How this breaks down by Primary Academies, Primary Maintained, Secondary Academies, Secondary Maintained, Other (incl. PRUs, SENs)?

As of September 2020:
>Primary maintained – 223
>Secondary maintained – 12
>Pupil Referrals Unit (PRU) maintained – 1
>Other maintained – 27
>Primary academy – 338
>Secondary academy – 90
>PRU Academy – 1
>Other academy – 4

b) How this breaks down by MIS provider?

All with Capita Sims

c) How this total changed between 2018/19, 2019/20 and this year (say as at June 1st 2018 vs. June 1st 2019 vs. June 1st 2020, or any similar convenient dates)?

Scomis is an independent commercial organisation and therefore their information regarding the changes in their provision to third party services would potentially prejudice their commercial activities and, therefore the work which they do for Devon County Council.   Whilst we acknowledge the need to be open, it is not in the public interest to impact upon the commercial interests of the council and this information is therefore exempt from disclosure pursuant to s.43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

4. For schools using each of these MIS providers, which of the following activities do you carry out:
a) 1st line support
b) 2nd line support
c) 3rd line support
d) Implementations
e) Data audits / cleansing
f) Regulatory / census submissions
g) Server management
h) Main data hosting
i) Data backup
j) User training
k) Provide templates / configuration
l) Analysis of data / insight services
m) Resale of the software to schools (on a commission basis)
n) Hosting or arranging local user group meetings

This is all a traded service carried out by Scomis

5. What was your total traded service income for providing schools with MIS support for 2018/19 and 2019/20?

Please refer to our response to question 3(c) above

6. What is the current amount of de-delegated funding that you levy on LA-maintained (either in total, on a per school level, or a per learner level – whichever is easiest)?

7. What software or digital tools (learning, safeguarding or admin) do you provide to schools under the de-delegated funding allocation?

In response to questions 6 and 7 schools make their own choices regarding funding and tools and we therefore do not hold this information.