The number of adult care packages provided by Devon County Council

Please State the total number of clients receiving packages of care from your local authority broken down into the following categories:

a) All clients aged over 18 years

b) Clients aged 18-64 years

c) Clients aged 65 year old and over

In each of the following financial years:

i) 2013/14

ii) 2014/15

iii) 2015/16

iv) 2016/17

This is publically available on the NASCIS website. Please see link below

2) Please state the number of home-based care packages provided by your local authority to clients broken down into the following categories:

a) All clients aged over 18 years

b) Clients aged 18-64 years

c) Clients aged 65 year old and over

In each of the following financial years:

i) 2013/14

ii) 2014/15

iii) 2015/16

iv) 2016/17

This is publically available on the NASCIS website. Please see link below

3) Please state the number of residential care packages provided by your local authority to clients broken down into the following categories:

a) All clients aged over 18

b) Clients aged 18-64 years

c) Clients aged 65 year old and over

In each of the following financial years:

i) 2013/14

ii) 2014/15

iii) 2015/16

iv) 2016/17

This is publically available on the NASCIS website. Please see link below

4) Please state the number of nursing care packages provided to clients by your local authority broken down into the following categories:

a) All clients aged over 18

b) Clients aged 18-64 years

c) Clients aged 65 year old and over

In each of the following financial years:

i) 2013/14

ii) 2014/15

iii) 2015/16

iv) 2016/17

This is publically available on the NASCIS website. Please see link below

5) Please state the number of clients over the age of 65 years that had third party top up arrangements in place for:

a) Residential care

b) Nursing care

Please also state the average cost of top up arrangements to the third party per week.

Please provide information for each of the following financial years:

i) 2013/14

Clients = 1309

Count of client ID Service Type  Average Weekly Cost
 191  ADULT Nursing  155.71
 1118  ADULT Residential  137.06

ii) 2014/15

Clients = 1,319

 Count of client ID Service Type Average Weekly Cost
 190  ADULT Nursing  160.12
 1129  ADULT Residential  154.06

iii) 2015/16

Clients = 1,345

Count of client ID Service Type Average Weekly Cost
 183   ADULT Nursing  172.84
 1162  ADULT Residential  163.43

iv) 2016/17

Clients = 1,302

Count of client ID Service Type Average Weekly Cost
 178  ADULT Nursing  176.78
 1124  ADULT Residential  172.45