
Please supply the following information;  

1. The officer responsible for the TEC programme / Telecare programme within the council

Helen Rainbird

2. Their email address and telephone number; 01392 383000 and ask for Helen Rainbird

3. The number of telecare lifeline/community alarms deployed

Under the Devon Independent Living Integrated Service (DILIS), we are currently reporting 2169 users of Technology Enabled Care and Support (TECS); this includes monitored alarms and stand-alone devices

4. The office responsible for independent living services within the council

We do not have an ‘independent living service’. Devon County Council do commission an Independent Living Centre (ILC) who provide the public on advice / information on TECS, as well as support and train professional social care and NHS staff on TECS. The Devon County Council commission lead is Helen Rainbird.

5. Their email address and telephone number

Please see our response to question 2.